
Welcome to our blog page, here we gather interesting articles about our plugins. In the following months we will add more content, either self-written content about parameters or functionality of our plugins, or content from other people that we think is interesting for everyone. If you ever have any suggestions for content, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

How to Create a Wide Mix Without Affecting Phase

30 Jun 2024

When mixing any style of music, it’s useful to think about working within a three-dimensional space. The correct use of depth, height and width can help a mix to sound clear, engaging and immersive. Having plenty of stereo information can help to make a mix sound fuller and more expansive, particularly as so much music […]

Mixing Low-end for Any Sound System

08 Apr 2024

Whether you’re a producer, mixing engineer or mastering engineer, mixing low-end is widely regarded as one of the most challenging parts of the job. There are few things more frustrating than mixing your track to sound spectacular on studio monitors or headphones, only for the entire low-end to disappear into the ether when played on […]

Loudness and Dynamics

14 Dec 2022

With the current “loudness” use in broadcasting and streaming services of ITU-R BS.1770-4, EBU R128 and other international standards, the audio engineer who is mixing or mastering should be aware of the metrics and requirements that will be imposed on any music files used in these delivery formats. Dynamics processing can change the loudness structure […]

How we developed the Al Schmitt signature plugin

09 May 2022

In April of 2021, 2 months after we released our first signature plugin with him, our dear friend and sound engineering legend Al Schmitt passed away. His passing is a great loss for so many. Throughout the last year, friends, family and industry professionals have paid heartwarming tributes to him, celebrating the legacy of Al […]

Minimum Phase and Linear Phase Filters

04 Jul 2021

Electronic filters have been around for over a century, the earliest passive designs employing resistors, capacitors and inductors used in telegraph, telephone and radio applications. Many configurations have been developed, but all hardware designs have a common limitation – any filter made with electrical components will introduce “phase shift”, the magnitude depending on the filter […]

LCR vs Mid-Side

04 Jun 2021

In audio terminology LCR means Left-Center-Right and can refer to a mixing style where all mono tracks are panned hard left, hard right, or equally to the left and right bus for a center signal. This was actually borne of necessity decades ago when mix consoles had only the ability to send a track to […]

RootOne Reviews

01 Feb 2021

In the summer of 2020, we released RootOne, our fourth plugin, building on our existing reputation for audio quality. RootOne is our unique multi-band subharmonics generator and shaper plugin, giving punch to your low-end signal. Just like previous plugins in the ONE series, RootOne was born from necessity and experience. As Robin Reumers, co-founder of […]

Feedback Session

25 Oct 2020

We have a very special Leapwing Audio Talk coming up! Gavin, Reuben, Rafa and Emiliano will give feedback on your mix and/or master, live during next week’s LIVESTREAM. Because constructive feedback makes us all grow! Everyone can participate. So if you have a nice mix or mastered track that you want to submit for this […]

RootOne Release

31 Aug 2020

We are really proud to announce ‘RootOne’, a brand-new plugin that gives punch to your low-end! Just like previous plugins, RootOne was born from necessity and experience. As Robin Reumers, co-founder of Leapwing, explains: “The 3 of us, as well as other engineers we talked to, were often dissatisfied with traditional subharmonics generators. They often […]

Pensado’s Place Meet the Makers

14 Mar 2020

This week, Emiliano and Robin were invited to the legendary Pensado’s Place to talk about their individual careers as well as the steps they took to found Leapwing. If you’re interested in some background information, check it out here:

NAMM 2020

31 Jan 2020

This year, we were also at NAMM again and got to meet up with a lots of friends and clients. Check out some of the videos below: Dave Pensado: Luca Pretolesi: Greg Wells: Piper Payne: Juan de Dios Martin: Scotty Banks: And a nice picture to sum up the fun we had during the show:

Happy Holidays!

24 Dec 2019

Thank you so much for all the support you’ve given us. We feel very proud of the community we’ve been able to gather over the past three years. Your valuable input and appreciation have given us the motivation to keep going and improving our plugins. In January 2019, we introduced StageOne, which received a lot […]

Leapwing Project Tree – Tree planting Dec 2019

23 Dec 2019

We did it! Last week we planted hundreds and hundreds of trees as part of Project Tree in Belgium, with the help and support of our beloved family members. It was in July 2019 that we started this project with one big goal in mind; we want to reduce our CO2 footprint, caused by travelling, […]

DynOne 3 Release

21 Nov 2019

We’re really excited to launch DynOne 3, a multiband parallel processor featuring newly developed algorithms and filters for state-of-the-art processing. The Leapwing Audio team has rebuilt several parts of the award- winning plugin from the ground up to achieve the highest quality possible. Multiband Parallel Processing is suitable for any genre of music or any […]

Sound On Sound Award Nomination

20 Oct 2019

StageOne has been nominated for Sound on Sound Award. We would really appreciate if you could help us by voting for us here.

StageOne Nomination NAMM TEC Award

20 Sep 2019

StageOne has been nominated for the Signal Processing Software (Effects) #TECAward in the Technical Achievement category! Next stop: the 35th Annual NAMM #TECAwards at the 2020 #NAMMShow!

Resolution Awards Nomination for DynOne

30 Aug 2019

Exciting news, DynOne has been nominated for Best Plugin at the Resolution Awards.

Project Tree: Doing The Right Thing

16 Jul 2019

Do you know your footprint? We are passionate about what we do. But we also realize that everything we do has a certain impact on our beautiful planet. We feel that as humans, we should take every measurable step to end up leaving our planet better than the one we inherited. This is something that […]

Dave Pensado explores StageOne in ITL video

02 Apr 2019

Check out Dave Pensado exploring StageOne in his latest Pensado’s Place ITL video:

5-Min Leapwing Tips: How to open up a music stem with CenterOne

28 Feb 2019

Our dear friend Maria Elisa Ayerbe shows how she used CenterOne to open up the music stem, for a mix she recently did. Check out the video below:

NAMM 2019 Recap

31 Jan 2019

This past week, we were at NAMM in Anaheim California. It was a lot of fun with many people stopping by the booth. We recorded some of the talks, which you can see below: Piper Payne Seth Drake Dave Pensado Maor Appelbaum For those who stopped by our booth, thank you! And hope to see […]

Happy Holidays and all the best wishes for 2019!

28 Dec 2018

We would like to wish everyone Happy Holidays and all the best wishes for 2019! This past year has been amazing for us. Released 2 major new versions of CenterOne and DynOne, and we received an Award for Product of the year from MusicTech. We couldn’t be more grateful! We have been working hard these […]

MusicTech Software Product of the Year 2018

20 Dec 2018

We couldn’t be more excited about winning this years Gear of the Year Award as Software Product of the Year, from MusicTech. As a small software company, this means a lot to us and want to thank everyone who voted for us.

Scott Banks creates new video about using DynOne v2

25 Nov 2018

If you’re curious how different people use our plugins, here is a great example. Scott Banks from Studio DMI created a cool new video showcasing how he used DynOne to help him in the mastering stage:

SOS Awards & MusicTech Awards Nomination

27 Oct 2018

Last month, we found out that CenterOne v2 is selected for a Sound on Sound Award, and voting is now open: Then last week, we found out that DynOne v2 is up for MusicTech Award as “Best Sofware Effect/Utility”, voting for DynOne can be done here. We would really appreciate everyone’s vote!

Produce Like a Pro’s Warren Huart discovering DynOne

23 Oct 2018

Warren Huart set out to discover DynOne for the first time. He did this in a live stream with his users of Produce Like a Pro. You can check out the video here:

Production Expert DynOne Tutorial

10 Sep 2018

Production Expert just did an exclusive tutorial about DynOne. You can see it here: And here is the video itself:

Resolution Magazine reviews

18 Aug 2018

We are extremely honoured to have had both of our plugins reviewed by the prestigious Resolution Magazine. You can read both reviews here:

Bob Ludwig, Joe Chiccarelli, Greg Wells and Rafa Sardina review

28 Jul 2018

We are very fortunate to have received great feedback from the some amazing producers and engineers in our industry. Here they are: Bob Ludwig (Grammy winning mastering engineer) “The DynOne does dynamic compression differently from any other compressor I know plus it can achieve the desired result with far less fuss and with terrific musicality.” […]

Bob Katz taking DynOne v2 for a spin

05 Jul 2018

Bob Katz just took DynOne v2 for a spin and here is what he encountered: “I’ve just started putting Leapwing’s DynOne version 2 to use. It’s so packed with ergonomic and functional improvements that I’ve only scratched the surface of what it can now do.

Center Prominence vs Center Channel Level

11 Jun 2018

A question we often receive about CenterOne: how is Center Channel Level any different from Center Prominence. Even though both parameters seem similar, they are part of 2 fundamentally different algorithms. So what’s the difference between both? It’s the influence on the PANORAMA!

Adrian Tucker video reviews

02 May 2018

Adrian Tucker is a Spanish vlogger who created 2 really cool videos about DynOne and CenterOne. Even if you don’t understand the language, I think the music examples have been well chosen and these videos are really fun to watch. Hope you like them too.

Scott Banks & Luca Pretolesi – DynOne Review

16 Jan 2018

We are really fortunate that our products are used all over the world. Studio DMI engineers, Scott Banks & Luca Pretolesi just reviewed and loved DynOne as well. Check out the video below:

Bob Katz – DynOne Feedback

09 Jan 2018

Attention, fellow mastering engineers: The DynOne plugin is the first (and only) replacement for a $13,000 external digital processor that I own. This processor contains a unique and powerful parallel compression algorithm. In the past I’ve tried plugins and other “in the box” and “out of the box” techniques to replace or supplement this external […]